Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Individuality Principle.

I just looked at all my posts and am amazed that I never wrote about the first principle I ever formulated ;)
I'd like to call it Individuality Principle. I didn't attach 'the' since there are many statements available online by the name of "Principle of individuality".

The statement of my principle goes as "Tu tu hai aur me me hu".
In standard English it'd say "You are you and I am me"

I know it would sound like the most obvious, redundant, nonsensical and random thing to say. And there have been times when me and my friends have laughed hysterically each time I've uttered these words.
But in it's core,you will find that it tells you the most basic principle of understanding the human nature. As many religions, philosophers and scientists have always been talkin about the fact that each and every damn multicellular living thing on this planet is a unique being. No two organisms are the same (I guess Mr. Darwin will agree to this). No two human beings are same.
You and I are two different beings with own points of views and none of us should expect the other person to think exactly the way we do.

Now,This is perhaps the most ignored fact in the history of mankind, a history full of wars because of the conflicting beliefs of religions, a history full of genocide against certain race, certain caste, certain religions.
Why? Because their beliefs contradict mine,so I go and fuckin kill them,they are impure if they are not like me. They are fuckin sinners if they don't praise my lord. They don't have the right to exist unless they confirm to my standards.

And wars or genocides which occur once in many years are just a blatant expression of a problem more deeply rooted. A problem that we have carried from generations, a problem that our future generations will inherit from us if we don't act on it soon.
And the problem is that we forget that each bloody individual has the birthright to be himself,. No matter how many people believe in your beliefs,it doesn't give you any right to think that someone else's beliefs is bullshit. And even if you think it is bullshit, doesn't make it bullshit.
And above all,it doesn't even matter what you think,coz he is entitled to have his own opinion anyway.

Think about it,if every individual on the planet knows and feels in his heart that individuality principle is indeed a profound truth of human existence, why would there be the problem of wars or religious terrorism??
Also the moral policing or cultural pressurisation of individuals by their own families in terms of behaviour,beliefs in systems like temples,marriages etc. , in short dictating their terms of existence would cease to exist once we embrace this principle.

We have hated our past generations for being hypocrites and suppressive, but are we going to give our future generations the right to be themselves,the right to be a unique individual with unique beliefs, unique points of view?
forget about the bloody generation,talk about our own kids,
Are we going to let them marry a person of other religion or suppress their desires because society supposedly doesn't confirm to such things?
Are we going to let them explore relationships and sexuality on their own or are we going to dictate what is acceptable and what is not?
Are we gonna give them freedom they deserve or deprive them of it because we didn't exactly get it from our parents?

It's been quite a serious post by my standards but I had to vent out all this anger and frustration about our suppressive,depressing society which almost never lets an individual be himself by putting a endless number of restrictions on his expression.
Ask this to artists whose paintings were torn,whose sculptures were broken to pieces or whose manuscripts were burnt because they didn't confirm to beliefs of some random group of people.
Ask this to relatives of those died in terrorist attacks.
Ask this to lovers whose love was taken away from them by the society.
Ask this to every fuckin sensetive individual out there with a threshold amount of sensibility and they will tell you the need to accpt individualism and the society is a myth,a nonexistent entity created to suppress those who come aganst the interest of a selfish few.
That's the rotten fact about human civilisation.

That is why it's quite ironic how the individuality principle needs to be embraced by the whole society for it to truly exist,which is also why it is so damn difficult to exist...
But then,everything worthwhile always is...


  1. People get really dirty on this one.
    At least the literate should discourage extremism.
    Rightly said `history is full of conflicts!` mainly cause of extreme grouping.

  2. perfectly said dude.......
    bcoz of sum orthodox ppl oder ppl hav to sacrifice !!!
    serious post as u said...
    good u included it !!

  3. Everyone in this world has the right to live just the way they want to, but as u said a lot of us have to live by somebody else's rules,have their will forced on us.There's always going to be trouble for an individual to bring out his/her true self only because that may defy the social norms.

  4. Hey why don't you write about the ROCKET Princlple? The Exams are on mann!!

  5. everything in ur post is 'the truth'.
    family beliefs put upon on children,
    idol worship, religion is bullshit.Only logical and scientific things in our traditions and cultures should be integrated.People should nt be forced into stuff.
    nyways this is the best post fr me u have posted bcause it reminds me the time we talked about changing the way the society thinks.
    This post is a small start towards it.
    great job buddy!
