Wednesday, October 7, 2009


UCNL is a general logic named so by me and my friend Pratik.

UCNL stands for 'Universal "Chhod Na!" Logic'.

In sophesticated english it'd be 'Universal "Leave it" Logic" which would make it ULIL.But UCNL sounds more profound so,to hell with sophestication!!

The idea is that in all walks of life,one tries hard to achieve his goals, tries even harder when achieving them seems difficult. But at one point or the other,one has to let go of obsession of things that are out of reach. One has to say "Chhod Na yar!!" and forget about it.
This stage may come too early for a quitter and far too late for an insanely passionate person.
But the fact is,this stage does come.

Now interesting thing is,you can apply this "Chhod Na" logic anytime,anywhere in any context without much change in the outcomes,that is instant relief from all worries and freedom to do whatever you want to do without any restrictions from past.In this sense,this logic is essentially Universal,hence d name UCNL.

We guys have learnt to apply UCNL in various sects of life ranging from small things like unidentifiable characters in friends' assignments, uninterpretable language used by professors to more heavy stuff in life like breakoffs and major failures.

The result is always the same,one gets extra energy due to release from unnecessary worries.Now,if this energy is utilized in doing something worthwhile,then it's pretty damn effective.
But if you're gonna use it to worry about something else,better stick to worrying,don't bother practising the UCNL.

It may sound a bit negative in attitude to say "Chhod Na" but this logic has in fact made a huge positive impact on lives of all those who applied it in the right place at the right time.

Afterall,it's all about knowing when to let go...


  1. hey dude..thnks to u both....
    UCNL rocks..!!

  2. good work...!!! and hey UCNL is, honestly speaking, so Logical =P it actually makes so much sense and works out as well..!!so KUDOS to UCNL..!! :D :)
